These are fun fun fun. I'm not such a great composer myself so I don't think I'd be the greatest demonstrationist of the potential of these instruments but I like to trip people out by playing it in the open position humming right along and then closing the second mouthpiece with my palm and dropping the pitch down to a nice rumbly C.
Everybody thinks of the didge as being deep and low so when you dish it up nice and then drop it lower it really knocks folks out. Kinda like how the Spinal Tap guys had knobs on their amps that turned up to 11 so when they were really rockin' it with their amps cranked all the way to ten they could still go that little bit more.
Jumping back and forth between the open and closed is easy and you can even hold it steady as you slowly peel your palm off and flange it up or roll it back down to drop it. Multiple close trumpets are possible too, utilizing the open and closed positions. And then you can also put two players on it at a time for a one bell duet. This one has a nice clear voice, good volume, is easy to play, and looks beautiful.
DIDJ # -
Bigleaf Maple
C (closed) and E (open)
B, Eb, C#, D
62 inches
I.D. - 1 1/16 inches
O.D. - N / A
4 1/2 inches