My name is Chad Butler. You're looking here because I'm a didgeridoo crafter and host of In-Didj-In-Us. I'm also a dad, a husband, a volunteer firefighter, and a cobbler amongst other things.
If one were to think they could know me they would also have to know my land. This place I live is inseperable from my sense of identity. It has facilitated my lifes path in so many ways.
My daughter was born here near the creeks edge and the sound eminating from that creek is as familiar as my own heartbeat. We are in the western foothills of the Cascade mountain range in the Santiam River drainage.
Here it is full of moss and fern and thick forest. There are bear, cougar, fox, lynx, bobcat, elk, deer, giant pacific salamander, frogs, turtle, owl, hawk, heron and countless other brothers and sisters in all body types. It is a dead-end road and it is quiet. There is freedom and we are free.
Things that have been very important to me in my life are running, cycling, spirituality, music, lovers, festivals, community, family, and didgeridoo. I am a joker. A bonafide Mirth First! activist. I love children.
I play didge in a rock band, Menstrum, formed in 1994. Sometimes we rock. Sometimes we suck. That's improv. That's experiencing life at it's fullest.
I spent formative years first racing bikes in Italy, then heavily involved in the political/punk/squatter scene, and later as a Hindu monk travelling with an Indian sadhu around the globe before developing an extended family whom I co-operatively purchased land with in 1988 where I continue to live.
I have met so many remarkable people who have opened my mind and gifted me so deeply. I'm a dreamer. I chase my dreams. I believe in Santa Claus.
Life is beautiful.