Coyote, Chad, Heathre and Elijah
This page is also, in a sense, my thank you list, as the folks listed below all play a part in my journey of following my dreams.
First off, I want to thank my wife Heathre, my son Elijah, and my daughter Coyote for having the patience and fortitude to allow me my pursuits.
I wish to thank Graham and Trish of The Didgeridoo Store and More! for their continuous support of my efforts, their warm genuine friendship, and the tons of work they do for the international didgeridoo community by their promotion of Joshua Tree Didgeridoo Festival.
Mark and Barry of LA Outback were the first to bring my instruments to the net and really treat me like a star! Thanks to them for my launch and their continuous support and friendship.
I've learned alot from my didgecrafting friends in the didge world and continue learning and sharing with them, particularly Geoff Frost, Jason Strazzabosco, Tyler Spencer, John Madill at Joyous Noise Music, Djalu Gurruwiwi, and Ben Hicks.
This site is maintained, coded, and hosted by michael medina and designed by Jasper