Even though they appear different shapes and sizes, this instrument and didgeridoo #648 share very similar tuning and playing characteristics. The difference worth noting is that this didj, #651, has a much smaller bore volume. This smaller bore reduces the overall dynamic expression. When played side by side with #648 it feels as though this one is quieter. The actual decibels near the bell may not be drastically different, but the sound from the next room over will be appreciably different. The smaller bore doesn't create the same BASS megaphone that a big bell does. It's the bass tones that travel and become a nuisance to neighbors, and out of timidness maybe some us us don't play as much as we'd like to. There's also a little less clarity due to the air column being more compressed, which triggers an interesting psychological comfort maybe similar to chatting in a crowded cafe compared to chatting in one that's dead quiet. We don't all want to stand out all the time shouting to the world 'Look at ME!' This didge allows for that quiet personal practice time to be quiet personal practice time. Your friends will enjoy it too, when you play it for them. Like I mentioned, the decibels near the bell might not be too drastically different. It's also a much more realistic size to pack around, if a didge is also a common travel partner. I really enjoy playing it. The trumpet steps are auto lock rather than having to search for them. The compression adds a nice dirtyness to the vocals, which is common in traditional yirdaki, but not so much in sealed bore instruments. The wood type also adds to it's softer approach. This log was left behind by a logging operation, as are a couple others in this batch. I intentionally left the markings on the wood from the mechanical beast that replaces many lumberjacks in the Pacific Northwest forests. The marks have story a tell, and didgeridoo is a stick which speaks...
DIDJ # -
Eb, B, F
I.D. - 1 1/4 inches
O.D. - 1 3/4 inches
3 1/2 x 4 inches